SACOSS Community Panel
During late 2023, the South Australian Council of Social Services convened a Community Panel to provide advice on who they think should be prioritised for support through the SA Government’s Concessions system.
South Australia’s Community Climate Process
In 2023, South Australia embarked on the biggest conversation that Australia has ever seen on Climate. We designed and delivered the process which you can read about here.
Wellbeing in Education
The wellbeing and mental health of our children and young people is increasingly becoming an issue of concern to our community, policy makers and political leaders.
My Home Hospital
In 2017/18 the State Government made a commitment to rebalance the health system by increasing and enhancing existing out-of-hospital and community-based hospital alternatives as a key strategy in supporting the sustainability of the system into the future.
Shaping Unley / Unley Parking
The City of Unley wanted to develop an active participation framework – a structured, generic approach that the Council could use to engage the community on complex and polarising policy and city-wide issues. They then tested it – on a controversial issue!
Resilience Planning
During 2022 we worked with Regional Development Australia Murraylands & Roverland to deliver a region-wide engagement process with the community – to prepare the Regions’ plan for resilience.